Exclusive partners in Greece for sales and service Zephir

From June 2019 Kolibioti Group represent the Italian company Zephir.
Zephir is internationally one of the largest and most well-known manufacturers of shunting vehicles, as their international term is, in Greek they are called traction machines. Zephir's design envisages collaborations in different countries and on-site support of its customers for both maintenance and repairs and not sending technical staff from its headquarters which costs much more.
Especially for Greece, where there was no previous experience from any company, Zephir trusted "Kolibioti GROUP", for its know-how, perfect facilities and experience on commercial vehicles. Our staff was trained at the Zephir facility in Modena, Italy and now offers support on a daily basis.
Typical examples are the maintenance of the machines of the Thessaloniki Metro, the repair of the machines of Trainose Athens and Thessaloniki.
Zephir designs and manufactures traction vehicles used in various applications:
railways and public transport, industries, logistics, ports, tunnel construction and drilling, etc. Vehicles that can run on fuel or electricity and that operate a traction system that uses a rubber drive wheel to move forward or backward. This "Rubber on Steel" technology is far superior to traditional "Steel on Steel" in any environmental or climatic conditions.