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Cookie Policy

This website uses cookies:

- They collect information about how visitors use the site, such as which pages they visit most often, or whether they receive error messages from websites. These cookies collect central, anonymous information that cannot personalize the visitor. This information is used solely to improve the effectiveness of this website.

- Which allow this website to remember the user's choices, such as the language of use or settings it has chosen, in order to offer more personal and improved functionality. This information cannot follow the user's browsing on other websites.

- Which are used to provide more user-tailored content and interests. They can be used to provide targeted information/ads/offers or to limit ads.

Cookies do not pose any risk to the user/visitor's computer or to the files stored on it.

If someone does not wish to collect information through the use of cookies, they can make the relevant arrangements. You can set your computer's browser to delete existing cookies and choose to either notify you of the use of cookies or prohibit the acceptance of cookies in any case.

However, users/visitors should be aware that if they choose to reject cookies, the use of the website's applications or services may become more difficult or impossible as this affects the efficiency and functionality of a website and may create restrictions on the user's access to its content.